Sunday, October 7, 2012

Part 2, final part, of how long to get fat!

Dancing before a full (get it!) day

The sun is up, time to get cooking!

Well, cleaning first!

Pancakes, well they burned. Oh well!

cheating to make more burned pancakes!

nom nom time!


"Giggle Giggle, I'm fat!" Guess you get dumber as you get fat.
"I heard that!" Med Fat

Lets go met our only neighbors


Low Fat

"hi, Lemony can i come up?"

Lol, your colorful!" 

This is the skittle family i was talking about

hot dogs!

memory, got fat 
memory, got fat

All the way fat, wow that was quick, with only half a group serving, wow!  Don't eat hot dogs!

All the way fat!

wow, were done! so, our final answer is 2 days! LOL, see u soon!

Friday, October 5, 2012


Hey people!!( ̄(エ) ̄)( ̄(エ) ̄)( ̄(エ) ̄)
rumor has it that i am doing a legacy post about skittle colored people. True, almost. Yes, indeed i am doing a legacy, and post about skittle colored people, but they will be SEPARATE things, thanks so much


Saturday, September 29, 2012

First in how long does it take to get fat?

Welcome!! This is my town!!! I'm doing a challenge!!! how long will it take to go from all the way skinny to all the way fat eating 1 1/2 group servings of food a day?

This is Jake, his is all the way skinny!

This is his girlfriend, she is all the way skinny.

She's starting by making the first batch of waffles

The go to Jake, boy he dosen't know what he's getting into!

2nd batch

by 7:00 that night


High end of normal

1/2 meal

Dirty stove, Cheap stove, LOL


high normal

low fat (Fat azz!)

End of day 1, LOL, look where it is!!!! 

Hey, this is the home for all of my sims 3 stories!!! LOL, read dem!!!